last edited 31st July 2022 in line with user feedback
Template Patient Information Leaflet 31 Jul 2022
Template Patient Consent Form 31 July 2022
Template Patient Consent Form (Retention of Tissue) 31 July 2022
Template Patient Consent Form (Retention of Tissue - Genetics)
31 July 2022
Recording 7.1 Common Issues 1 (specific)
(2.37 minutes)
Transcript 7.1
Recording 7.2 Common Issues 2 (general)
(1 minute)
Transcript 7.2
Recording 7.3 Common issues 3 (data protection)
(4.23 minutes)
Transcript 7.3
Recording 7.4 Common Issues 4 (future use)
(2.11 minutes)
Transcript 7.4
Recording 7.5 Common Issues 5 (consent forms)
(1.49 minutes)
Transcript 7.5

Please refer to the HSE Consent Policy for Research (published 15 June 2023) and supplement these templates as necessary. These templates are insufficient to comply with the HSE Consent Policy for Research requirements. See Initial Check against HSE Consent for Research Policy Requirements for PILs and CFs (drafted Beaumont Ethics, April 2023) or MS Word List. Please refer to the policy for full requirements.