(Clinical Trials of Medicinal Products /
Clinical Investigations of Medical Devices /
Post-Marketing Follow Up Studies of Medical Devices

taking place in Beaumont Hospital only
  • Please confirm with the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) if you are uncertain if your study is a clinical trial of a medicine.
  • Please confirm with the National Research Ethics Committee for Medical Devices (NREC-MD) if you are uncertain if your study is a clinical investigation of a medical device, or a post-marketing follow up study of a medical device.
  • Clinical Trials of Medicines cannot be accepted for review.
  • Studies which fall under the remit of the NREC-MD cannot be accepted for review.
Beaumont Hospital Local Checklist (updated 8 July 2024)
The checklist outlines this committee's requirements, the documents for submission, and the method of submission
Beaumont Hospital Local Signatory Page (updated December 2021)
The signatory page contains declarations to be signed by Investigators and Academic Supervisors
Research Ethics Committee Standard Application Form (RECSAF) 5.6 (adapted version, copyright Beaumont Hospital)(last updated 8 July 2024)
Only forms downloaded from this website will be accepted for review.
Always refer to the HSE Consent Policy for Research when completing the application form on this site
Frequently Made Mistakes (updated July 2024)
Sample Answers J1 and J2 - Beaumont only
Template Data Protection Impact Assessment (Beaumont)Link
Template Information Leaflets and Consent Forms (Beaumont)Link
Clinical Trial Indemnity Form, 18.8.21Link
Radiation Declaration Form
SUPPLEMENTARY Questions when applying for a single national opinion for a study which involves exposure to medical ionising radiation (2 Feb 2024)
Micro-course - Submitting to Beaumont Research Ethics CommitteeLink
Instruction Sheets and Sample Applications - Submitting to Beaumont Research Ethics CommitteeLink
HSE Consent Policy for Research (2023)Link to HSE Website
The RCSI Sample Size Handbook - a rough guide (May 2021 version) Prof. R. Conroy